Mobile Assist, introduces new Reminders, Bookmarks from the web, and Mobile and iPad Support.

Washington, DC Dec 09 2020-  December  Release will have several UI changes at the web level, a streamlined flow, iPad Support, new Reminders, Bookmarks, and some fixes. All details are listed below:

iPad Support:

Now Mobile Assist is supported for iPad as well.

Streamlined Announcements:  We listened to you and improved announcements. Use this special feature for corporate-wide Announcements for a selected set of users or all users by email/push message or both.

  • New UI, Tooltips, info messages, and improved flow of Announcements for better understanding.
  • Announcements now can be visible for any user without any role.
  • New validations to check if recipients are not empty.
  • Only Active Groups can be selected as recipients.
  • A status attribute is implemented to monitor the announcement record.

Bookmarks: Bookmarks help you make quick notes for an open task.

  • Now create Bookmarks from the web as well.
  • New tooltips and new UI.

Reminders: Reminders help you remember actions at certain times by push messages and /or email.

  • Now create Reminders from the web as well.
  • Confirmation messages are implemented for reminders in mobile UI.
  • Reminders go as email as well besides push notifications.


  • Now filter by ‘Assignee’ for My Group Tasks
  • Now filter by ‘Assignment Group’ for Unassigned My Group Tasks

Left navigation modules

  • Simplified the left navigation menus and modules for Announcements, Bookmarks and Reminders.

Issues Fixed:

  • MA Dashboard icon is modified to support both Android and iOS devices.
  • Announcements show up in Applet only from planned date along with push notifications.


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